Wednesday, August 29, 2012

         This is our mascot, Nils the Polar Bear. Big, fluffy, and a crazy dancer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So much in one day

Wow. I hadn't any idea how much flying all day can take out of a person. So much happened today. First, my plane to Frankfurt was enormous! It had an upper deck and lower deck, and was incredibly fancy on the inside. Here is a picture:

 Second, my host family picked me up from Bremen airport this morning. There are the two parents, three children, and a dog (a big black lab named Lilli). They were so nice -each member of the family was holding a letter of my name way up high so I could see them! We then drove together to Jacobs University and they were with me as I collected my Welcome Pack and received all the forms I would be needing for the next few weeks. When we got to my room, the parents helped me make my bed! =) My host father told me about the proper way to cover mattresses and pillows. First, you have to turn the cover inside out (which he referred to as making it go to the "left"), grab the corners, and then flip the cover over either your mattress, or pillow, or comforter. I really recommend abroad students to consider having a host family. Not only did I feel welcomed the moment I set foot outside the airport, but the family was so patient with helping me get settled. The father even plugged in all my cables and adapters so that my electronics were running/charging. That definitely alleviated many of my worries...Before the family left, they invited me to their home at the end of the week for a barbeque! I'm so excited to have the opportunity to be immersed in everyday German culture outside of a university...

Fun fact: the bed sizes...and pillow sizes...are much different in Germany than the U.S. My pillow for example: 


I also went to a study abroad meeting today with the head of the international studies department here at Jacobs. At the meeting, I reunited with the other Wellesley students. I also met a whole new group of people from Rollins College in Orlando, FL. Everyone was warm and genuinely happy to be here. What's great is that we found out most of us all live in the same building! After the meeting, we all gathered together for a group dinner and special dessert outside. Music was playing from the giant radio speakers and everyone was hanging out on the grass enjoying themselves.

Tonight is the first bar party on campus. I'm going to go and check it out...I'm so tired though!! I'm doing everything I can not to fall asleep face first on my desk....

I have a long day tomorrow. Better pictures to come soon :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ich bin fertig

...that means "I'm finished" in German. FINALLY the packing is complete. I cannot believe I leave tomorrow. I have plenty of things in that giant bookbag of mine to keep me busy on my 7.5 hours-long flight. Priority number one (nummer eins) is to study my German notes from the class I took this summer! Sleep comes second ;) May I also add that I am quite proud of myself for packing an entire semester worth of clothing, toiletries, books, and mattress pads in only two normal sized suitcases. For those who know me well, this is quite a feat for me!

I also want to give my grandfather a shout-out because today is his birthday! I love you xoxo

Also, my mother just called me into the kitchen to show me that "Taken," the movie starring Liam Neeson, is on TV. Thank you for making me even more nervous than I am! But I promise to be extremely careful.

Next time I write I'll be in Germany! Prost!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I have just come to the realization that I leave on Monday

...and I still haven't packed. I have what I like to call "organized piles" in one corner of my room. Right now my piles consist of a mattress pad, two backpacks, a Le Sports Sack (my grandmother's!), a bunch of Best Buy cables I haven't any idea how to use yet, new Hunter rain boots (it rains a LOT in Bremen), and important travel documents. The suitcases are coming out tomorrow!